
According to Merriam Webster; Bench Press "A lift or exercise in which a weight is raised by pushing your arms upward while you lie on a bench" It is a test like no other, it incorporates not only your chest muscles. But also your shoulder, glutes, back, and even triceps. It is considered a favorite by most males to date. You want to start by Lying flat on the bench under the rack that holds the bar Butt, shoulders, and head should be flat on the bench with a slight bend in the spine. Feet should be flat on the floor and relatively wide apart. Grasp the bar with your thumbs on the outside of your closed fist, overhand grip, with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The angle of the upper arms should be at about 45 degrees to the body. Remove the barbell from the rack and lock the elbows out before lowering the bar to the chest at the nipple line. Take a deep breath and raise the bar to above the chest with arms extended, exhaling while you push upward and aiming consistently at the same spot on the ceiling. Return the bar to just above the chest and repeat the exercise. To finish, replace the bar on the rack from the locked out position. Move the bar backward gradually until you feel the rack uprights, then lower the bar to the rack rest. Look below to see the best powerlifter bench scores.

Weight Class MensAthleteLift AmountWeight Class WomensAthleteLift Amount
123Andje Stanaszek39197April Delmore-Skumaker214
132Eric Head429105April Delmore-Skumaker231
148Eddie Berglund470114Febrose Tsiode243
165Daiki Kodama490123Marianna Gasparayn292